Salt Water Taffy Evokes Memories of Summer

Once upon a time, the Atlantic City boardwalk was known for its delicious treats, including a sweet and chewy candy known as salt water taffy. The story goes that the candy got its name from a candy store owner who had flooded his shop with salt water during a storm. Despite the damage, he still had a stock of taffy that he needed to sell, so he jokingly referred to it as "salt water taffy." To his surprise, the candy was a hit and soon became synonymous with the Atlantic City boardwalk.
For generations, visitors to the boardwalk have enjoyed this sweet treat. The taffy-making process remains a closely guarded secret, but it's said that the candy is pulled and stretched until it becomes light and fluffy. It's then rolled into bite-sized pieces and packaged into beautiful boxes, ready to be enjoyed by taffy lovers of all ages.
For many people, the taste of salt water taffy evokes memories of summer vacations spent on the Atlantic City boardwalk. It's a timeless treat that has been enjoyed for over a century, bringing a smile to the faces of those who remember their childhood trips to the shore.
And so, the story of salt water taffy from the Atlantic City boardwalk remains a sweet and nostalgic part of American history, reminding us of the simple pleasures of summertime and the joy of indulging in a little something sweet.